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Marilyn Lindsay, M.Ed., NC

Marilyn brings over 25 years as an educator to the field of Nutrition Science and Stress Reduction Counseling.  She is Board Certified (NANP) in Holistic Nutrition, Board Certified (I-ACT) in Colon HydroTherapy, and is certified by HeartMath as an Interventions Practitioner.  She holds a Master of Science in Education.

In her Nutrition Consulting practice, Harvesting Health, Marilyn focuses primarily on impaired digestion - its numerous root causes and manifestations -  from autoimmune diseases to mood disorders.  

In her Stress Reduction program, Marilyn incorporates HeartMath biofeedback, infrared technology and guided meditation to help clients recognize the connection between stress and compromised health.  


In all, Marilyn puts education at the center of care by collaborating with clients on a bio-individual exploration, giving them the knowledge, tools and practical strategies necessary to optimize their mental and physical health.

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Complimentary 20-minute phone consultation
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